
My House - Click on play and listen to the description you can read in the post below this.

Describing a House

My house is a detached house. It is big,comfortable and quiet. It has got three floors and a cellar. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Downstairs there is a kitchen, a toilet, a sitting-room and a dining-room. In the groundfloor there is a garage and a laundry. In the cellar there is a bedroom, a bathroom and a big sitting-room. There is also a garden with flowers and fruit-trees.


Ramones - Spiderman

Spiderman, Spiderman Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web any size Catches thieves just like flies
Look out, here comes the Spiderman

Is he strong? Listen Bud He's got radioactive blood
Can he swing from a thread ? Take a look overhead
Hey, there! There goes the Spiderman

In the chill of the night At the scene of a crime
Like a streak of light He arrives just in time

Spiderman, Spiderman Friendly neighborhood, Spiderman
Wealth and fame he ignores Action is his reward
Look out, here comes the Spiderman

Spiderman, Spiderman Friendly neighborhood, Spiderman
Wealth and fame, he ignores Action is his reward
To him, life's a great big bang up Whenever there's a
hang up
You'll find the Spiderman!


Guy Fawkes (13th April 1570 – 31st January 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes, the name he adopted while fighting for the Spanish in the Low Countries, belonged to a group of Roman Catholic restorationists from England who planned the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Their aim was to displace Protestant rule by blowing up the Houses of Parliament while King James I and the entire Protestant, and even most of the Catholic, aristocracy and nobility were inside. The conspirators saw this as a necessary reaction to the systematic discrimination against English Catholics.

The Gunpowder Plot was led by Robert Catesby, but Fawkes was put in charge of its execution. He was arrested a few hours before the planned explosion, during a search of the cellars underneath Parliament in the early hours of 5 November prompted by the receipt of an anonymous warning letter.
Guy Fawkes Night (or "bonfire night"), held on 5th November in the United Kingdom and some parts of the Commonwealth, is a commemoration of the plot, during which an effigy of Fawkes is burned, often accompanied by a fireworks display. The word "guy", meaning "man" or "person", is derived from his name (Guido)
Firle Bonfire Society Destruction of Guy Fawkes



No dia 31 de Outubro comemora-se o Halloween. Uma tradição que começou em Inglaterra. Nesse dia comemora-se o DIA DAS BRUXAS. As pessoas vestem-se a rigor. É habitual fazerem abóboras engraçadas (Jack O’Lanterns). Nesse dia costuma-se pregar partidas, algumas assustadoras. Em certos sítios, um grupo de amigos junta-se e vai bater às portas dizendo: DOCE OU TRAVESSURA; a resposta tem de ser DOCE caso contrário esse grupo prega-lhes uma partida.

Os disfarces mais habituais são vampiros e bruxas. Mas também se pode usar o disfarce de fantasma ou outras coisas. O que interessa é que seja assustador.

Vou dar-te uma dica para o próximo Halloween: fazeres um fantasma… não é difícil, eu explico-te:

1- Pega numa folha em branco de papel cavalinho

2- Em seguida corta as partes de baixo em tiras finas

3- Faz uns olhos e uma boca

4- Pega nas 2 pontas de cima e agrafa-as

5- Põe - lhe um fio para pendurares onde quiseres

Vais ver que vai ficar fixe.